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Dear Customers, our two stores (Manukau and Mt Wellington) and our office will be CLOSED ON MONDAY 3 JUNE (King's Birthday).
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Do I really need an Infant Capsule?

Do I really need an Infant Capsule?

From the day you bring your precious bundle of joy home from the hospital, one essential item that becomes your constant companion is the BabyOnline car seat. But have you ever wondered if there's an option that allows you to seamlessly transition from the car to the stroller or pram without disturbing your little one? Well, wonder no more! 

Today, we're exploring the benefits of investing in a car seat and accessories that can also attach to your pram, making your parenting journey not only convenient but also safer.

When it comes to car seats that are available for newborn babies, you've got two main options: 

Great, How infant capsules are different from infant car seats or convertible car seats?

Infant capsules and car seats are two different types of seating options for infants and young children when travelling in a car. An infant capsule is a portable baby carrier that makes it easy to move a sleeping baby in and out of the car without waking them up. The capsule can be easily installed in the car using a base that stays in the car, or a seatbelt attachment. Infant capsules typically have a weight limit of about 13kg and are suitable for newborns up to about six months old.

On the other hand, car seats can be used from birth up until a child reaches a weight limit of around 30kg. There are two types of car seats: convertible, rear-facing, rotational car seats and all-in-one. Convertible baby car seats can be used as rear-facing when a child is young and then as front-facing as they grow older, while all-in-one seats can be used even as a booster seat once a child has outgrown their harness. Unlike infant capsules, car seats are not portable and are installed directly in the car.

So the main differences between the two are that infant capsules are portable, only suitable for young infants up to six months old, and have a lower weight limit, while car seats can be used for a longer time and in a wider range of applications but are not portable.

So. Do I need a capsule?

Expectant parents are often bombarded with questions and decisions to make, especially when it comes to baby gear. One such question that has become a source of intrigue and confusion is ‘Do I need a capsule?’. While the answer ultimately depends on personal preferences, lifestyle, and budget. If you live a busy lifestyle, a capsule is more convenient. It can make the difference between a 15-minute shopping trip, and a half-day expedition, this article will shed light on why a capsule may be a game-changer for parents leading a busy life.

Here are some key reasons to consider an infant capsule:

1. Safety: Infant capsules are designed to provide optimal safety for newborns and infants. They are rear-facing, which is the safest position for babies in a car as it offers better support to their developing neck and spine. They have a five-point harness system that secures the baby in place and protects them in the event of a crash or sudden braking.

2. Convenience: Infant capsules are lightweight and portable, making it easier for parents to move their baby in and out of the car without disturbing their sleep. They often come with a detachable base that can remain in the car, allowing for easy installation and removal of the seat. 

3. Longevity: Infant capsules are specially designed to accommodate newborns and infants up to a certain weight and height limit (usually around 9-12 months or 13 kg). This provides a secure and comfortable space for babies during their early months when they are too small for larger car seats.

4. Traveling: Infant capsules are not just for use in cars. They can also be used with strollers and travel systems, allowing parents to easily transfer the baby from the car to a stroller without disturbing their sleep or having to unstrap them.

5. Legal requirements: In many countries, it is a legal requirement to use an infant capsule or appropriate car seat for infants and young children. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties and may compromise the safety of the child.

Overall, infant capsules are an essential baby gear item for parents who drive with their newborns and infants. They provide the necessary safety, convenience, and comfort for the baby during car travel, ensuring a worry-free journey for both the child and the parents.

Infant capsules provide newborns with a secure and snug fit, ensuring their safety during car rides. They are designed to face the rear of the car, which is the safest position for infants as it helps mitigate the risk of injury in the event of a collision.

Infant capsules are portable and easily detachable from the car base. This makes it convenient for parents to transport their sleeping babies without waking them up. Some infant capsules are also compatible with stroller systems, allowing for seamless transitions between the car and the stroller.

Additionally, many infant capsules are suitable for use from birth up to around 6 months or even up to 12 months, depending on the specific model. This provides a dedicated and safe seating option for your baby during their early months.

Other Pros of buying a capsule

  • Capsules are designed to provide maximum safety and protection for your baby in the car, as they are specifically designed for infants.
  • Capsules often come with additional features such as a sunshade or canopy to shield your baby from the sun during car rides.
  • Capsules are typically lighter and more compact than convertible car seats, making them easier to carry and install in your car.
  • Capsules often have a carry handle, making it convenient to transport your baby in and out of the car without disturbing their sleep.
  • Some capsules are compatible with specific strollers, allowing for easy transitioning between the car and the stroller without having to disturb your baby.
  • Capsules can provide a sense of security for parents, knowing that their baby is securely fastened and protected in the car.

However, it's important to note that infant capsules have weight and size restrictions, so you will need to transition your baby to a forward-facing car seat once they outgrow the capsule's limits. Convertible car seats, which can be used in both rear-facing and forward-facing positions, may be a suitable alternative if you prefer a single car seat option that can be used for a longer period of time.

Cons of buying a capsule

  • Capsules can be difficult to install and uninstall in the car, especially as the baby grows and becomes heavier.
  • Limited mobility for the baby inside the capsule, as they are confined to a small space and cannot stretch or move around freely.
  • The baby may outgrow the capsule before reaching the maximum weight limit, which means you will need to invest in another car seat sooner than expected.
  • Depending on the design and brand, capsules may have limited compatibility with certain strollers, which can restrict your travel options and limit convenience.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use an infant capsule should be based on your individual needs, preferences, and the safety guidelines in your region. It is recommended to consult with your paediatrician or a certified car seat technician for personalized advice and guidance on choosing the most appropriate car seat option for your baby.

Warning! Preventive Measures

To ensure your baby's safety, never leave them unsupervised or asleep for extended periods in a car seat or infant capsule. If your little one drifts off to dreamland during a car ride, gently transfer them to a safe sleeping surface as soon as possible once you reach your destination. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid using car seats as a regular sleep solution or for napping sessions outside the car.

Alternative to using a capsule?

You can use a convertible car seat (read about the different options here).



As parents, we are constantly faced with decisions that can impact our baby's comfort, safety, and our own sanity. The dilemma of choosing between infant car capsules and car seats is just one of the many debates we navigate daily. While waking a sleeping baby might feel like a crime, it's important to consider the practicality, long-term value, and financial implications of both options. So, go ahead and weigh the pros and cons. Ultimately, choose what feels right for you, your family, and your budget – and remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Happy travels! 

More questions?

If you need any advice about car seats suitable for a newborn, please get in touch or visit us at 16 Gabador Place, Auckland, New Zealand and one of our trained car seat specialists will be able to guide you.


Disclaimer: At BabyOnline, we select and write about the products we love and think you'll like too! Always check with your midwife or a medical professional or paediatrician about anything pregnancy and baby related, including items in this post.

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